With Easter around the corner and me receiving a special box from Sun-Maid, I had to try their pecan sticky toast. Definitely not for the every-day brunch but for a long weekend treat? Absolutely.
I want to say thank you to Sun-Maid for the Easter treats too! You really know how to make product testing fun. Love it.
The Recipe
Heat oven to 425F. Place four slices of raisin bread on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Combine 3 tbsp melted butter, 3 tbsp packed brown sugar, 1 1/2 tbsp honey and 1/4 cup chopped pecans.
Divide mixture between the slices of bread. I know, yum right?!
Bake 5 to 6 minutes until top is bubbly and edges are toasted. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes.
Foodie Results
I will be honest. I was not sure we were going to like this. It looked so sweet and overwhelmingly bad for us but the pecan crunch with the candied topping was delicious. Considering there is only .5 g of saturated fat in two slices… I forgive the decadence. Plus, for those celebrating this weekend and want to try something different, this is a great choice.
I give this recipe four and a half wooden spoons and my blessing for a sweet treat this long weekend!
Debra She Who Seeks says
Oh yeah, that looks fancy brunch worthy! *drool*
Helene Peloquin says
Tried it and it’s so yummy!