Please note contest is now closed and Lisa in the winner!!! I hope you make a fantastic chili in your Instant Pot Lisa. 🙂 Workman sent me a copy to check out and is partnering with me for a giveaway for the cookbook How to Instant Pot by Daniel Shumski! The Prize Pack! Not only […]
Suzie the Foodie’s Birthday Bash & Fire Sale!
President’s Choice $100 Mystery Box Giveaway!
Please Note: Contest is now closed! The winner is Glogirl! Congratulations my foodie friend, you just won $100 in free PC products! Thank you all for entering! As a President’s Choice Ambassador for their “-free” products to help Canadians with food sensitivities I am happy to announce this giveaway for $100 worth of PC products! I am hoping that […]
Halloween Giveaway!!! Two cookbooks for grabs!
CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! For those of you who subscribe to my newsletter, you had secret knowledge this giveaway was coming! I am happy to announce that Raincoast Books sent me Quirk Books‘ The Geometry of Pasta and Gibbs Smith‘s Little Monsters Cookbook for a Halloween giveaway on my blog! The Geometry of Pasta is unlike any other book on pasta […]