Every year Reg and I try to get out to the Mahone Bay Pirate Festival and despite the chaos that is our lives right now, we managed to do it again this year!
We usually get all dressed up but this year, toned it down a little. As Reg said, “You never go full pirate!” We also brought our friends Christine and Dominic with us!
We are not morning people so by the time we arrived into town, most of the vendors were already gone but my favourite with all the ocean treasures was there.
We arrived in town and immediately went to the Mug and Anchor Pub where many pirate scarecrows greeted us upon our arrival.
It is always fun to introduce friends to your favourite hangouts and have fun together there.
Reg and Dominic were smart and ordered the fish and chips which lived up to its legendary flavour and impressive traditional “hugeness”.
Christine and I were seduced into ordering the lobster-stuff mushrooms caps and…
The seafood chowder. Both of which were under seasoned and left me wanting. Especially the chowder. Anemic in flavour and just a confused mess, so thin and mine was not even that warm.
Always, ALWAYS get the fish and chips there damn it!
It was our first time visiting the shop Zack & Nemo Mercantile and Reg and I freaked when we saw this steamer trunk. We are huge fans of the movie Joe Versus the Volcano. Our mutual love of that odd quirky movie is one of the reasons we knew we were meant to be together and also inspired us to move from Ontario to BC over a decade ago.
This scene from Joe Versus the Volcano is one of my favourites ever and seeing a trunk similar to it got me all inspired about our trip back home out west.
And!!! Reg discovered the coolest cast iron red birdie weighted cookbook holder for me at this store. Now every time I use this cookbook holder I will be reminded of this fabulous day.
We also went in search for ice cream and ended up at Mom’s Buy & Sell – Dad’s Ice Cream. It is so Mahone Bay to sell antiques with ice cream, LOL.
I got Grizzly Tracks (chocolate caramel) and Mocha ice cream. Delicious! I really wanted pistachio, my favourite, but it appears to be getting harder and harder to track down.
I even bought a skull ring at our favourite store Bluestone Magic and a jingling coin necklace at The Teazer. Yes, I am almost as crazy about jewellery as I am about food.
What a fantastic day we had! A car trip out to Mahone Bay with friends complete with pirates, ice cream and treasure hunting.
Mahone Bay is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to move out east. It is so magical and special, I do love it with all my heart and will miss it so much when we move.
This big guy was on a deck in front of one of the many character homes and kind of sums it up for me. A wonderful day but a tad bittersweet. Like cocoa powder on ganache truffles.
A perfect day that saddens the heart a little, but in a good way. It is not easy for me to leave but it is time.
So I will eat the damn truffles, fire my musket into the air and yawp my way into the future like a good pirate should. The future is coming. This pirate is ready.
Debra She Who Seeks says
“Never go full pirate” — LOL! Sounds like a wonderful day!