I have just made it back to the west coast and I am so excited! A brand new kitchen and foodie life.
Over the last five years I have spent most of my life in my beautiful kitchen in my own house product testing, recipe testing and creating foodie projects. I am completely self-taught and am a non-elitist food enthusiast. Everything goes! Bring on the gluten, the dairy, the meat and even store-bought products that most food writers would shudder at.
I am about all food, all the time, for everyone.
In my world, food is about having fun and is all-inclusive.
Foodie Forever
~ Suzie Ridler
Thomas Freeman says
Hi suziethefoodie.com,
We represent a large number of clients who operate in dozens of online markets including tech, fashion, DIY, crafts, finance, food, travel, shopping, cars and more. We are currently looking for guest or sponsored post opportunities on their behalf. Is this something you would be interested in?
If you are interested would you mind telling me how much you normally charge for a single blog post on your site?
Usually, we would write the article on a topic related to both yours and our clients websites, at around 300-500 words long with one link to our clients website contained within. However, we’re more than happy if you would prefer to write the article yourself, as well as changing the word count to whatever suits you best.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Joan E. Roten says
Foodie is a word that should have never been. Quit using it and just say that you like food and eating it. Foodies are wannabe culinarians but know nothing.