Up at the crack of dawn this morning I printed out the comments, cut them into equal sizes, crumpled them and put them in my banana bowl. I pulled the first name out and thought I had a winner. Sadly, the person did not have a profile nor did they leave their email address so I had to pick someone else. Who did I choose…???
Sandy aka Doris the Great from the blog Aging Disgracefully (best name for a blog ever!)
Sandy loves chocolate and red wine and is a fellow Nova Scotia blogger! Congratulations Sandy!
Thank you to everyone who entered! Disappointed you didn’t win? I have another giveaway that you can enter on Monday so make sure to stop by and throw your name into the banana bowl once more!
Sandy aka Doris the Great says
Thank you, thank you. I’m so excited to win. (I really wanted this one!
I’ll be using this cookbook to proudly promote Nova Scotia by cooking up a storm for my new international students this fall. That blueberry orange cake might be one of the first that I try.
Thanks again Suzie.
Nydia says
Congrats, Sandy, have fun making these recipes! :o)
Suzie Ridler says
Wonderful! How luck for those international students! Yes, make that cake with our local fresh blueberries, you will love it. Tastes like a giant blueberry muffin.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Why are all you Nova Scotia bloggers so great? Now I’m following Aging Disgracefully too!
AvaDJ says
Congrats to Sandy, I’m sure the cake is going to be a huge hit!