“I’m a writer, music geek, amateur foodie, and bride-to-be…”
Laura Downs from foodie blog Loverly won the contest for Eat, Shrink and Be Merry!
Laura will also be writing a story for The Food Network Blog, interviewing the author of The Happy Baker Erin Bolger as well as covering the opening of her local farmers market.
You must check out the cupcakes she made for her fiance, so cute! She did portraits of her and her fiance for his birthday. Fabulous!
I hope you enjoy your copy of Eat, Shrink and Be Merry Laura!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest!
AvaDJ says
Hey Congrats Laura! It’s a great book for a the bride to be, just remember, when cooking for your man don’t tell him it’s low fat, or he’ll start making really funny faces and start sniffing the food in a very suspicious way lol, just serve it up with an evil smile..tehehe.