With the stresses of life and cruel limbo living, I have decided to take a bit of a break. I assure you I have a ton of content to share when I get back but I need to take an online vacation. Nope, won’t be on Facebook either! That is how dedicated I am to my health and recharging my foodie batteries.
Not to worry! While I am away, I want you to watch this video and ask me a question. In the video I share guidelines and ideas. I may be offline but I am still with you in foodie spirit!
So ask away people! What do you want to know?!
Debra She Who Seeks says
Everyone needs a blogging break now and again! Enjoy yours — rest, rejuvenate and recharge! See ya on the flip side.
Shell says
Here’s my question Suzie. Knowing we share similiar spiritual beliefs.
Do you still feel connected to your intuition and your spirituality?
Jana B says
Oh wow!!!! I’m proud of you for putting your health and wellness first, that is SOOOOOO important.
Hehe I honestly saw the pirate hat, and thought you would start the video with “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!”
I have a million questions, A MILLION!!!! The foodie question on my mind at the moment is this: Do you know any good ways to incorporate whole grains into your diet? James and I are trying, but it’s complicated.
A non-foodie question is this: Who do you think has been the best influence in your life, in helping you to grow into the person you are now?
I look forward to hearing your questions and answers when you are back!!
Jamie Ridler Studios says
Suzie, what’s your favourite standby meal when you don’t have tons of time or energy?
Suzie Ridler says
Thank you everyone for your questions! You can now find the answers here on my blog
Jana, I only answered your first question in the video. Reg is definitely been the best influence on who I am today. He loves all sides of me which gave me courage to be all of me at the same time. 🙂