Apparently in New York, some chefs want to ban photos being taken of their food. Whether because it makes them look bad because some people do not know what they are doing with their cameras or because flashes are being used… They are irritated by technology being used in their restaurant.
Now if someone is standing on a chair with their huge camera taking a gazillion shots in the middle of a restaurant and using flash photography to get the perfect shot, that is crazy-annoying. Discreet photos taken quickly without a flash though? That is what I try and do and then put away my camera and eat my dinner. They are not the same at all yet I have been told to not take photos. More than once. And not in fancy restaurants. I do not live in New York but it is happening on the east coast of Canada.
In this day and age, people photograph everything. Which I personally think is awesome. Photography is now open to everyone, everywhere. Deal with it. I personally find people texting or using the phone in general way more rude and annoying. If this is an issue of etiquette, will they ban phones too? I seriously doubt it.
When I go out I try and get my food photos done quickly, when no one is paying attention and NEVER use a flash, which obscures the food anyway.
I have been told in at least two cafes now not to use my camera and I can tell you, that pisses me off. It is a public place and I should be allowed to take out my camera if I want to. In all honesty, I am getting so sick of it that my desire to go out has waned considerably. To be “worried” that I am “going to get into trouble” for doing something that is legal and pretty darn normal these days is stress I do not need.
Not being allowed to take photos is censorship. For someone like me, who has taken photos most of my life, you might as well have an “unwelcome” sign on your door. I am a photographer. I love food. I paid for that food. I just want a picture of it damn it!
The waitress of this restaurant offered to take our photo and she is the one who put up the flash. Will this be unacceptable one day? Why is it OK to photograph people on a night out but not the food they eat?
It is all about censorship which I have no tolerance for at all. Yes, everyone has the capability these days to take photos so the world is changing but banning photos from a public social experience just takes the fun out of going out.
Reg and I talked about it last night. If it means staying in, eating my food which we prefer most of the time anyway, saving money and not being censored, I will take it. If I ever get told again not to take photographs of my food when we go out, we will leave. I do not go out on special occasions to be told what not to do.
Let lawlessness reign in my kitchen and those uptight food establishments can kiss my ass!
How do you feel about being told not to take photos of food? Has this ever happened to you? I would love to hear your thoughts on the issue.
Debra She Who Seeks says
I’d be tempted to simply smile sweetly and advise them to phone the police.
Violet Vixen says
Abso-bloody-lutely! One can’t ban photos legally w/out a bylaw… Tell them to call the cops! (Or offer to leave right then and there w/out paying…that’s equally “illegal” )
Ellie says
I can agree with the no flash photography. I don’t think people should be standing on chairs to get the “perfect shot” either. That’s just being disruptive and drawing unwanted attention to yourself.
You are paying for the food, you should be able to take a picture of it. It’s not like the photo is going to reveal a secret recipe or ingredient. A lot of people even take a photo of a meal on a special occasion because they scrapbook.
I agree it is censoring and that should not happen. They should be more concerned with those people carrying on loud phone conversations then the person taking a quick photo of the meal.
Casey says
Do you ask before you take the picture or do you just do it and someone comes running over? I suppose they can’t make you delete the picture you took or take your camera away. I agree with you. We shouldn’t be told when and where to take pictures. The only time I could understand is if it was someone’s face.
Jana B says
This has NEVER happened to me, which is probably a good thing. I find that COMPLETELY offensive, and would not tolerate being told not to take pics of MY FOOD. If I am paying for it, how do they think they have the right to tell me I can’t take a pic of it?!
Go you for deciding to walk out!!! I think I would too.
Violet Vixen says
Pictures of awesome food lead to new customers. Give them your card and smile sweetly and tell them you will post pic w/kudos or no pcture+name of place that is acting like it is Dachau.
Nigel says
I’m sorry, I was going to let this topic pass because I’m not certain how I feel about it for myself. But I really take offense to someone comparing a restaurant trying to control their image to a Concentration Camp! Using the holocaust in such a comparison weakens the imagery to something which is (in the overall scale of things) a minor inconvenience.
If that is only thing that are able use as a comparison then might I suggest a review of 20th century history for some other ideas.
(Suzie, if you feel my comment is over the top, feel free to not publish it, or to delete it, I will not be offended)