Janet and Greta Podleski from the show Eat, Shrink and Be Merry on the Canadian Food Network generously donated their latest cookbook to one of my lucky readers for a cookbook giveaway! The book is signed by them too and is absolutely full of fantastic recipes. I envy the winner on this one. I have their other cookbooks and they are well used, loved and falling apart.
These ladies know their food. Their perspective is focused on nutritiously fabulous delicious food. I have been big fans of these women for many years now and have even been in contact with Greta here and there via their blog. The introduction of this book is so entertaining to read (I could not help but sneak a peek) and their phenomenal success story is so inspiring. They were the underdog in the publishing world and then struck it big by going independent with a little help from The Wealthy Barber and his mom.
The cookbook is filled with puns, funny illustrations and their goofy personalities. If you have ever watched the show, these two sister are endlessly entertaining. The only moments they are serious are when they talk about food but they always mix it with fun.
Thank you Janet and Greta for donating your fantastic cookbook to one of my lucky readers! To enter, leave a comment and make sure there is a way for me to contact you through either a blog or email address. If you don’t, I will pick someone else as the winner. Contest closes Thursday. Good luck everybody!
Barbara says
Thans, great giveaway!
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com
Stacey says
Super give away!!
aliceinparis says
Terrific! I love their books, so funny and yummy!
Sarah @ Mum In Bloom says
I must be the only one who’s never heard of these ladies? Maybe their show isn’t on here in the US? I checked out their hilarious blog and there’s lots of good stuff there. Their cookbook must be great! I’d love a copy 🙂
AvaDJ says
You know I love these gals! What more can I say except “Shockolate Cheesecake!” That was very cool of them to donate a signed copy of this fabulous book!
AvaDJ says
This comment has been removed by the author.
AvaDJ says
Ooops, sorry, removed a double post, that’s all!
Kristina says
Sign me up! Thanks 🙂
lindsey says
Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
suburban prep says
I have seen these sisters on QVC and their book always sells out so fast. I would love to know the secrets of good food that doesn’t go straight to my hips.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
julesreddin says
Awesome giveaway!
Sabrina says
Would love to use some recipes from this book!
Nolwenn says
I like their show 🙂
It’s always nice to know how to shift a “favourite” not-that-healthy dish into something that does not lose in flavour but is better for our health.
I’d love to win this.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Take Care
Megan C says
Oh I just LOVE Janet and Greta! Their cookbooks are AMAZING! I love how they give tips and their funny little “Did you knows”. I sure hope I win the cookbook! My email address is mccomin@hotmail.com
Tammy says
This looks like so much fun! I’m a cookbook addict – I have an entire shelf donated to space for my cookbooks! 🙂 I actually read them too! Very cool that they gave you a copy to give away!
Laura Downs says
Great Giveaway! I love their show and I’m always checking their recipes for healthier versions of things.
Nydia says
Ah, I just can’t resist a good giveaway!
Kisses from us.
Abby says
I would love to win this!! I get tired of making the same rotation of meals! Help! wvueegirl@gmail.com
Z says
That would be lovely!
Thanks for the chance. 🙂
Chao says
I’d love to win!!! 🙂
email: xiong-c@hotmail.com
Josh and Mari says
I’ve wanted one of their cookbooks for a long time. Was going to check it out at the library, but they don’t have it here at my library. Would love to win.
Heather says
What a great cookbook, I’m always on the hunt for another great one!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
dcs6460 says
What a great addition that would be to my new apartment with a real kitchen!! (see fingers crossed on both accounts)
wayner100 says
Their show is one of the most nutrionally informative ones on TV. I have tried a few of their creations and they deliver every time. Love to have their book
Sandy aka Doris the Great says
I love their cookbooks as well. They are so witty. Thanks for the opportunity.
Melanie says
WOOHOO!!! I’ve made a copy of the cookie recipe and I’ll give it to your hubby next time I see him at work!!!
Licorne's Lament says
I’d love to have a copy of that book! I would not lament if I were lucky enough to win it.
Thanks for reading. 🙂
kim says
Awesome, awesome!!! I’m glad the Risotto worked out!!
Emily says
Looneyspoons is my favourite cookbook. Risotto isn’t bad either.
Suzie Ridler says
Thank you for entering! Good luck to everyone. Contest is now closed. Winner will be announced Friday.