I have not done videos in a while and was curious if you would be interested in me recording some? I have a poll on my blog but feel free to comment. Here are some of my ideas:
How-to videos
Product reviews
Personal anecdotes
Q&A video where you ask the Qs
The last one would be like a “Dear Suzie the Foodie” video where people could email questions to answer in a video. It is totally OK not to be interested in this idea in fact, if you feel that way please let me know. It is a lot of work and I have limited energy but if you do like the idea it might be fun!
So what do you think?! Is it time for me to step in front of the camera? Eek!
amelia says
Our internet is slower than dial up and we pay for how much we use so my video watching is almost non existent!!
Michael says
I enjoy them very much!
Cathy Olliffe-Webster says
I’m with Amelia, unfortunately. I would if I could, if that’s any consolation!
Debra She Who Seeks says
I prefer to read and look at photos. But, that being said, the occasional video can be fun too, just to spice things up a bit!
Olivia says
I like your videos; however, I think you make FANTASTIC step-by-step photos of yourself cooking things. They are close-up and easy to see. I can even follow them, and I am not a cook. They make the whole process of following a recipe (which I hate) seem interesting.
So my preference is watching fun videos of you doing different things to get to know YOU but then photos for the step-by-step processes. Also, you can always refer back to photos.
Shell says
I say do the videos, Suzie.
Suzie Ridler says
Thanks everyone! It’s late so I’ll keep this short (sleepy). I really honestly appreciate all the feedback. Not to worry, I will always post my how-to-photos, I just thought adding a personal touch too every now and then would be fun. Don’t worry, won’t be turning into “Suzie TV Show” or anything like that!
Jana B says
Yesssssssssssssssss yes yes yes! I really like the videos (hehe, just watched your hubby as the mad scientist… LOL that cracked me up. Especially his little costume.)
I feel like I know you a lot better because now I’ve heard your voice and seen you in motion. I might have to record a random video of me now to return the favor. Hmmm…
Suzie Ridler says
Yay Jana! Thank you! I love that video with Reg too. I was hoping he would join me today to make my first Prez Choice video but it’s just me but I did it! That is exactly why I wanted to do it Jana, for people to get to know me more. I’m so glad you want to and thank you so much for the support. 🙂
Jamie Ridler Studios says
I love watching your videos, Suzie! It’s like getting to hang out with you. I’m a big YES!