We have come to the end of the 2016 President’s Choice Insider’s Collection! Lots of items to wrap up including PC Italian Chocolate Truffle Trio Confectionery.
These are really lovely chocolates and the presentation is fantastic.
They come in Cocoa, Nocciola and Latte flavour. I know they all had different fillings and flavourings but I found them to be very similar. I did not notice much of a difference between the three except for the varying amount of crunchiness inside.
You can put them in a tin and what a pretty Christmas present they would make. We have had a rough week and having these as a treat after dinner has helped so much. I give this product four out of five wooden spoons.
Honourable Mentions
I also received non-food treats when I attended the PC Holiday party, including this grapefruit & ginger scented candle which Reg used when our neighbours cooked with Parmesan. Oh how he hates that smell! The candle is actually quite subtle in its fragrance, Reg just has a sensitive sense of smell.
Reg was quite thrilled to receive these matches in a bottle. He said it was the perfect way to store matches for emergencies. It has a scratch pad on the bottle too which is so very clever.
At the party they mentioned the two stuffing turkey can be cooked from frozen in six hours and I did not believe it. I had to check for myself and sure enough, it can be done!
Finally they included this lovely “S” ornament for our Christmas tree which I absolutely love. I have no idea if it is supposed to be “S” for Suzie or Superstore or it is just a fluke but I love having a copper S on my Christmas tree.
Thank you for reading my product reviews! I hope you have had a great time hearing about all the treats offered this year at the Superstore by President’s Choice. As always, it has been an honour to be your product tester and may we all have a delicious holiday.
Debra She Who Seeks says
My Rare One always cooks a pre-stuffed (Butterball) turkey from a frozen state within that time frame. I can attest that it works and is DELICIOUS! It’s the only way we do turkey now. No muss, no fuss, all convenience.
Suzie the Foodie says
That’s incredible! I can’t believe they make it so easy now, good to know. 🙂 It’s just us two this year so just a turkey breast which takes a hell of a long time to make too, LOL.