My mom was (OK, weird to type “was”) always fiercely opinionated when it came to food. I never knew if she was going to like something or if a dish was going to let her down. The last time we went out for food together was to Caplansky’s Delicatessen. She had just been through her last CAT scan and wanted matzah ball soup.
To Borscht or not Borscht?
I order the Borscht since I had never had it, to my mother’s shock and dismay. According to her, I still haven’t had Borscht It did not come with sour cream and was so tomato-based with so little cabbage. To my Mom, this soup was not Borscht. It was however, amazingly delicious.
The Anemic Broth
Sadly, my mom found the broth for the matzah ball soup very weak. She really wanted a heartier chicken broth and this was not it. I had a spoonful and she was right. I made her some chicken soup at her apartment later on in the week.
Smoked Meat Sandwich
No complaints here on the smoked meat sandwich from me! For me, this is heaven. Well, after you smother the sandwich with loads and load of mustard.
Inheriting High Standards
I always found my mom’s perspective fascinating and respected it. Like me, she could never hide her displeasure when a dish fell flat or did not live up to her expectations. And she was not afraid to express her opinion, LOL. Sound familiar?
These are traits I obviously inherited and am proud to have. It is one of the reasons I still do restaurant and product reviews. Sharing my truth is important to me. Just as important to me as it came naturally for my mom, whose love and respect for food were unending and her standards so high.
I am proud to walk in your foodie footsteps Mom.
Debra She Who Seeks says
I can see from here how anemic that chicken broth is. Where’s the yellow colour? Where are the fat globules glistening on the surface? Your Mom knew her foodie stuff!
Suzie Ridler says
Exactly! And hardly seasoning let alone fortification. My Mom sure hew her foodie stuff, well said Debra!
Tournesol says
Well that does look like a wonderful sandwich! The broth does look a little weak, I bet you made it up to her with your broth, made with love too!