G.H. Cretors Organic Popped Corn contacted me recently with a recipe for Popcorn Bark and suggest I try their Simply Salted fluffy organic popcorn to go with it. We had tried their their flavoured popcorn which we LOVED so I thought, what the heck? Their recipe sounded like fun and I already knew that I was impressed with their all-natural, non-GMO popped corn!
The Recipe
The problem is, lately I have been rebelling against recipes. Instead of bark, I wanted popcorn lasagna!
I melted a cup of chocolate chips, got out my candied pecans, dried cranberries and butterscotch chips. Yes, I went a little crazy.
I lined a small lasagna dish with the G.H. Cretors Organic Simply Salted Popped Corn.
I topped it with the melted chocolate, pecans, cranberries and butterscotch chips.
Then added more popcorn.
Oh yeah!!! Now we were ready for some holiday snacking.
One of our favourite bands Walk Off The Earth had a Christmas special that we got to watch live with the band online! It was one of the coolest experiences ever. If you have not been introduced to the band, you are in for a treat. They are amazing!
So we watched the Christmas special on Apple TV and dug into the popcorn lasagna. OK, I’ll admit it. It was too sweet. Butterscotch chips took them into “crazy-sweet” territory but we ate around them and it was yummy.
It was a super fast treat that I could make minutes before the big Christmas special which started off our holidays with a delicious bang.
Food Conclusion
In truth, I think we would have been just as happy to eat this popcorn right out of the bag. In fact, I gave some to Reg to taste test the night before and he could not stop eating it. I was very grateful G.H. Cretors sent us three bags!
We have been snacking on it as-is for days and for me, that is a big deal. I usually get flavour shakers when I go to the movie theatres to add sour cream and onion, dill pickle or ketchup flavour to my popcorn. G.H. Cretors Simply Salted is pretty darn near the perfect bag of popcorn. We loved it! No need to add anything to it. Delicious as-is.
Thanks for the Christmas treat G.H. Cretors!
The Happy Whisk says
Popping corn is yummy. Glad you enjoyed your treat.