The idea to turn my Green Iced Tea into Green Tea Lemonade came from the ultra fabulous Bohemian Mom last year. It is so easy that I have preferred making it this way ever since. Yes, from the photograph above you can see that most of our days are dark here but I can pretend that it feels like summer when I drink this fantastic lemonade with a healthy edge.
In large container of water top with five bags of green tea (I have to use decaf and it is still great). Just leave them there, do not touch, and put the pitcher in the fridge overnight.
Gently remove the bags without squeezing out all the tea, squeezing will make your tea bitter. Then add a container of lemonade. It is that simple!
Goes great with my favourite grilled cheese sandwich
Thanks so much Bohemian Mom! I make this all the time as soon as the sun starts to peak its head back into our world. You can always quicken the process by hot brewing the tea but slow brewing seems to have better flavour, you just have to have a little foresight.
Nowadays health food and drinks like this are very expensive to buy in cans and bottles. This way you can get all the benefits of the green tea with the flavour of the lemonade for pennies! You just have to brew it yourself.
It is quite challenging to find beverage recipes that do not include pop or alcohol. I love pretty cold drinks on a hot day so please let me know if you have any suggestions for me to try this summer. I drink water all day but sometimes it is nice to have a drink with my meal that is full of flavour.
Zedral Z says
Right now I’m drinking cherry juice mixed with cherry-flavored seltzer. It’s lovely.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Yeah, take THAT, Canada Dry with your fancy-shmancy green tea/gingerale combos. IN YER FACE!!
Linnea says
Yum! I can’t wait to try this!
Bohemian Single Mom says
Yeah baby!!!
I made my first jug of the season yesterday…it really is good and makes a lot! Soooo glad my daughter likes it too. With so many sugary, expensive, claim-to-be-healthy drinks out there, I just keep making this, over & over again. Great money saver.
dcs6460 says
I’m going to make my own version today, making fresh lemonade with honey instead of any sugar, lemon juice and filtered water. Then add my fresh brewed green tea, and add more honey to taste. Wish me luck. I just can’t see adding chemicals or corn syrup or white sugar to something that’s healthy…
Hope it tastes as good as yours!