It’s Reg’s birthday today! And… We have no food. And… I’m so sick. And I am out of posts to write about for now. So I am going to attack my fridge and figure out how we are going to celebrate his birthday at home tonight with very few provisions.
I think I need some time to rest and recover from this cold so I am just going to take an extra long weekend. I have many foodie projects on-the-go in my brain, I just have to make them real so I can share them with you.
If invite you to take a moment and say happy birthday to Reg. Without him I would never have considered becoming a foodie. Never ever in a million years. He believed in my foodie abilities when I was convinced that the best I could ever do was puree a soup. That was haute cuisine at our apartment way back when.
I have new cookbooks to write about and test, I’m going to be delving into chocolate-making, I’m working on a new lesson for the cooking school, I have products on the way to review, I have a product review to come, more Recipe to Riches interviews and reviews… I just need to flake on the couch and get over this stupid cold but I will be back!
Debra She Who Seeks says
Happy Birthday, Reg! You rock, man.
And Suzie — take it easy, drink hot honey tea and get better soon!
Suzie Ridler says
He really does rock, doesn’t he? And yes, getting off the computer now and resting!
Violet Vixen says
Happy Day silver fox of Suzie 🙂
…Get well soon, cupcake! (Don’t you love how one can be out of $$ 8 days into the month? )
Joan says
Happy birthday, Reg!
I’m so glad that you support Suzie in doing her foodie blog, and are willing to be involved sometimes and even be seen. 🙂
Suzie, take it easy for as long as you need to. We will all be here when you are up and running again.
Shell says
Happy Birthday, Reg. Your costume as Khan rocks, by the way.
Suzie, I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy.