Well we did end up with trick or treaters after all despite the gloomy weather! The rain held off until later in the evening and we managed to giveaway most of our candy, thank goodness. We were very, VERY generous with the trick or treaters.
My Halloween treats were a big hit and we had a hard time deciding which one was our favourite. I will say that my Creepy Witches’ Fingers and Witches’ Broomsticks that I had put in the deep freeze tasted perfectly after thawing so you can make these ahead of time!
I love adding little Halloween touches everywhere and this guy hung out with the breadsticks for the many, many dips I made:
Yes, it was quite the spread of food! The only new thing I made for Halloween was my friend Michelle’s brain mold shrimp dip which my friend Kelly named as “Shrimp for Brains” which had us all laughing our butts off. What a yummy fun night! The vampire cookies were a huge hit and I think we ended up deciding were the best treat of the night.
We did not just indulge eating snacks, I also set the table for dinner where we ate chilli with Kelly’s homemade cornbread muffins (fabulous!), butternut squash soup and dill bread, followed by some homemade apple cider.
Yes, we feasted like there was no tomorrow together and had a fantastic evening, as usual. So wonderful that our friends Kelly and Eric could come this year for the first time. I think this may be the fifth Halloween we spent with Mike and Jen! Could not have had better company. We were so stuffed by the end of the night we put the witchy cake Kelly brought over in the deep freeze to celebrate some other time. To see more of our decorations, jack-o-lanterns and all things Halloween not-food-related, click here!
Now, for the big announcement!!!! The winners of our cookbook giveway are…
Congratulations goes out to Jaz for winning the Little Monsters Cookbook!!!
Congratulations goes out to Becky for winning The Geometry of Pasta!
Thanks goes out to everyone for participating in my giveaway and I truly hope you had a fantastic and delicious Halloween.
Karen D says
wow — it sure looks like enough to feed a king.. looks so good.. I am going to have to give those vamp cookies a try.
Debra She Who Seeks says
What a spread! That brain-shaped shrimp dip is just too funny!
Mr Lonely says
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Nydia says
Wow what a feast!! 😉 Loved your photos, full of good vibes!
And congrats to the lucky ladies (it’s cool that Jaz won this, she’s always giving aways some awesome stuff too!).
Kisses and have a wonderful season.