I don’t know if you have heard but we are having one hell of a winter in Vancouver. Here I am “harrumphing” on our scary trek over thick layers of ice on the sidewalks.
The worst was New Year’s Eve. I had bought tickets to see the new Star Wars movie (it was our 22nd dating anniversary) and we spent it dodging cars that had died, skidding and sliding buses… I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. After the movie was over we ran to the car and prayed that The Force would take us home safe and sound.
In front of us we saw a huge “BOOM” of snow and realized that a massive branch fell under the unusually heavy weight of snow. We dodged the branch and made it to our apartment but got stuck in the alley. Thankfully I remembered how to create traction in clay class and got out our “claw” gardening instrument to break up the thick layers of ice and create a criss-cross effect.
I used almost all the salt I had (city is out of road salt and has been for a while) to help with creating a bit of a bumpy surface. Reg hacked away at the ice with a hammer and finally, FINALLY we got into our spot.
I won’t be getting into that car for a while. My nerves are still totally shot from that experience.
After risking breaking bones to get out to pick up some food (thank you Chong Lee!!!) I have been losing myself and trying to forget my imprisonment by watching oodles and oodles of Gusto TV.
I have been enjoying The Delicious Miss Dahl in particular. I adore British cooking shows and this one inspired me to make Tom Kha Soup (Thai Coconut Soup) yesterday. Post on that to come! Oh and our roof is leaking and the paint is coming down from our ceiling in the kitchen. Good grief!
The best news is I had friends get together to chip in and enrol me in Chef Gordon Ramsay’s Masterclass! I have around 43 days to wait to take it to keep me going. Reg and I are seriously getting cabin fever and we have quite a few snowstorms coming our way so no improvement in our situation anytime soon.
I thought I had gotten away from this kind of cold and prison lifestyle but it appears that winter has found me on the west coast and we are all suffering for it. Vancouver appears to have zero infrastructure to deal with this weather and our patience is running thin. A few days, no big deal. Weeks? Totally unforgivable.
Going to lose myself in my kitchen with what food we have and keep my fingers crossed that flowers will return in February here in Lotusland. If not? Why the hell did I move thousands of miles??? #heartbreaking
Debra She Who Seeks says
So glad you will be taking Gordon Ramsay’s Masterclass! Won’t that be an Experience with a Capital E?!!
Hunker down, stay safe, stay warm. Nice weather MUST be on its way to Vancouver sometime SOON!
Suzie the Foodie says
Yes! An opportunity of a lifetime, super stoked about it. Thanks, hope you’re right about an improvement in the weather. Never wished for dark rainy weather so much before in my life. This winter has brought this city to its knees.
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