Last night I came home from a great night out with my friends and sat in the dark with my husband for Earth Hour. We had three emergency battery-operated tea lights in the basement and only one lone fake candle worked. I sat there looking at the sad lone amber flame contemplating the fact that I began my blog almost a year ago. I have been feeling like I am at a crossroads with my blog and have been looking for inspiration and guidance. In the cold and dark basement with my head on my husband’s shoulder, I unconsciously willed Julie & Julia on to the movie network.
I have been yearning to see the movie again, which is weird, I do not usually watch anything twice. Yet, I had to see it. The pull was so strong I was planning on going to my computer when we turned on the lights and just buy it. But then I would have to wait! Imagine my shock when I flipped through the channels and saw that it was on at that very moment.
When the film came out last summer I went opening weekend and reviewed it right away. My blog had only been up for few months, everything was fresh and new and inspired. Today, with a more retrospective perspective, I see even more similarities when it comes to kitchen inspiration.
I began this online food journey as a means of saving my spirit. I threw myself into my kitchen and my food out of sheer desperation. Who knew that mixing bowls could be someone’s life preserver? I am still barely holding my life and spirit together as I struggle with where I live and how lost I feel. Lately I have had more disappointments than triumphs come out of my kitchen but after watching the movie, I am more determined than ever to be the best foodie I can be.
In a week on Monday April 5th I will be in my second year online. I hope you come and celebrate with me. I will have a little surprise up to celebrate that will require a little participation on your behalf. I am in this with you, after all, my beautiful readers. You have helped me through a lot of pain and suffering, whether you comment or not. You give me a reason to keep learning how to use my camera, LOL, not be scared to sharpen my knives and video it at the same time and most important, find the best recipes in the world for you to make with me in the kitchen.
I hope that I can carry forth the inspiration I felt from the movie into my kitchen once again. I have been on holiday this week, indulging in brunch and relying on old regular recipes that I have made many, many times. Tomorrow I begin again, a new menu for my kitchen, a fresh look at life. I have a feeling it is going to be an even yummier and exciting year ahead!
Tammy says
Awesome Suzie!! To think it was a year ago already – Circe’s Circle too!
I LOVE your blog, as you know, and I have found myself coming back several times to find specific recipes I remembered you making! I searched just a couple days ago for your bread machine pizza dough post! I’m going to try that today!!!
I love it that you found the movie on TV just as you needed it. I love that movie too! (I do watch movies over again – so I’ll likely buy it!) 🙂
Happy one year and hopefully to many more!
Sarah @ Mum In Bloom says
What a beautiful post Suzie. You gotta do your blog just for you or it’s just work, eh? I’ve read posts by bloggers belly aching about how much work their blog is and that they’ve had enough. It’s too bad because blogging can be very fulfilling, especially when you blog about food 🙂 You feed me everytime you write about cooking and I’m always inspired. You’ve made me laugh, think I should try that recipe, go there to eat and more. Thanks for the continued inspiration and keep up the good work!
AvaDJ says
Hey Suzie, I’ve only been with you for a few months now, but I’m so glad we found each other through our foodie passion. I do love your blog, and I’ve told you before there is just something extra special about the way you write, your sheer honesty, your passion and your determination. I look forward to your posts each day and am very excited to see what you have in store for us. I think it’s so cool that you can will a movie to appear when you need it most, I find I that happens with music as well, when you’re itching to hear a song and lo and behold it comes on the radio. Gotta love that!
Debra She Who Seeks says
The year has flown by! I’m so glad you decided to start blogging again! You know I enjoy both of your blogs!
Suzie Ridler says
Thank you all so much! Tammy, it’s crazy to think that it’s been over a year since we did CC together, absolutely amazing. I hope you like the breadmaker pizza so, super easy and don’t forget to add a little sugar, makes all the difference in the world.
Sarah, oh I love my foodie blog! Only belly aching going on here is when I can’t get in my kitchen and work with food. It’s my therapy. I’m glad that my words and stories help and entertain, that makes me feel so good.
Ava, I am super happy we have met online. You are such a sweetie and it means so much to me that my words make a difference and that you enjoy them. I hope I can keep you and your family entertained with my foodie adventures, they’re my favourite thing in the world.
Debra, I adore you and truly appreciate the time and attention you spend on my blogs. Honestly, you’re fab!
I adore all of you and truly appreciate your support. A whole year and I am still here, it’s unbelievable to me. Yes, one day I hope to be blogging from a BC kitchen but for now, I am in my giant beautiful NS kitchen creating treats and fun for all. Blessings to everyone, including you quiet private readers. I know you’re there and I adore you too!