Anna’s Artisan Bread and Michael Smith’s No-Knead Country Bread
My interview with Ellen Kimbro about my obsession with breadmaking was just published in the newspaper Jackson Sun and can be found on their web site! I give lots of advice on how to bake your own bread and share more about me and my foodie background. I hope you enjoy it!
Special thanks goes out to Ellen who made the interview so much fun to do and was so suppotive.
Please! Don’t forget to vote for my next product review with CSN Stores! What a busy and exciting day it has been already. Time to rest before I collapse.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Wow, Suzie, you get around! Great interview.
Suzie Ridler says
Thanks so much Debra! Amazing how the internet can open up the world to someone house-bound like me, LOL.
AvaDJ says
Congrats on the interview Suzie, whoo hoo…the foodie does it again! Yes, it’s important to eat the carbs you love, totally worth it.