Tutorial on how to season cast iron coming soon!
Why? Why when I know I am moving and have to downsize did I go out yesterday and buy this amazing cast iron fajita pan for $7? I blame my five-year quest for a barbecue.
Since we moved here five years ago, I have wanted a barbecue but hesitated each time I saw one I was seriously considering. The questions how long are we going to be here? Where will we move next? What do I do with the ashes if they aren’t compostable? I hate propane but is charcoal an environmentally friendly option? Am I going to accidentally burn the house down?
The question plagued me. They made me hesitate. No barbecue decision was made.
But the other day, I almost bought this basic portable charcoal BBQ for only $13. I mean, how could I say no? It is small, cheap and portable. It sounded perfect! I told everyone on Facebook that I was going to buy it. The next day, we find out we are moving.
So I said no. No to more stuff.
Then yesterday I woke up with this huge pull to go to my thrift store. Intellectually, I knew it was stupid. No Suzie, don’t! You are supposed to be downsizing, not buying more stuff! But I had to. I learned the hard way that ignoring that inner voice is a big, big mistake.
There I saw them. Altogether, a set of copper pots and pans! They were just sitting there shining their coppery smiles at me saying, take me home! So of course I grabbed them. I grabbed them all.
Now to give myself some credit, I did put one of the pots back because I already had one that size. That showed some serious restraint on my part. Of course then I picked up the cast iron fajita pan and screwed that notion royally.
So I walked home, a foodie gypsy with a backpack filled with pots and pans that knocked together like some odd culinary wind chime on my very long walk home.
Yes, there are things I need to let go of but as a foodie, can you really have too many pots and pans? Again, it comes down to tools. Tools and my mom’s hefty duty German mandolin. I started thinking of my cooking videos and food photography. These would look sooooooooo beautiful! Maybe it was a sign from my Mom? Or maybe I have zero impulse control.
All I know is yesterday I was happy and excited. It has been a long time since I felt that way. I have always believed in following the energy. Turns out for me that means carrying pots and pans home on my back instead of a portable barbecue.
I can live with that.
Michelle says
Love it! What a great find. And no, you can not have too many tools. At least not when you have an actual roof over your head. Talk to me when we decide to buy that sailboat… sigh.
Debra She Who Seeks says
You make me laugh, Suzie! You and your weird culinary windchimes, LOL! But I’m glad the treasure trove of pots made you happy. My Rare One has a cast iron skillet that she never uses but refuses to get rid of. I curse it every time I have to move it from its place in the cupboard because it is so friggin heavy. Yet nothing truly heats evenly like cast iron, I know.
Suzie Ridler says
Michelle, yes, let’s hope we have a roof! I love the sailboat idea but I admire you for sacrificing a kitchen, wow.
Thanks Debra! And that is too funny about your Rare One’s dedicated grip to the cast iron skillet that isn’t being used. I totally understand and yes, they are friggin heavy!