After the crazy-busy day I had making my Mississippi Mud Mocha Pie for a friend’s surprise birthday party, yesterday was supposed to be a rest day. Until I discovered I was out of parchment paper! Off to London Drugs I went because I had more holiday baking I had to do ASAP.
The Inspiration
I came home with McDonald’s Parmesan and Garlic Fries. Why? I do not even like their fries so why would I spend $3.24 on a limited time offer from McDonald’s? Because Charlie Smith’s article for The Georgia Straight inspired me to. I was so impressed a writer from The Georgia Straight would not only try them for the publication but kind of endorse them:
“The softly textured fries practically melted in my mouth. And they were packed with so much flavour that there was no need to add any ketchup.”
The Product
I had to try them for myself. Yes, they do reek! All I could smell in my apartment was garlic and Parmesan. Two smells Reg hates but me? I think they smell like heaven and I was home alone.
The Foodie Conclusion
They did absolutely melt in my mouth and they disappeared super quickly because I inhaled them! Tons of flavour. Suddenly I could appreciate something about McDonald’s fries. Normally they are usually just too boring for me.
Charlie is also right when he mentions not needing ketchup. Ketchup? I did not even THINK about ketchup as I enjoyed these. These are officially dangerous and delicious.
“For the gourmands out there, Parmesan and garlic fries will never be good enough. But the average Joe might want to give them a try.”
You are absolutely right Charlie! Thank you for writing that article and inspiring me to give McDonald’s Parmesan and Garlic Fries a shot. I was in such a bad mood from having to go out and get parchment paper. Having these took all that stress away.
I give this product four and a half out of five wooden spoons.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Yeah, I saw these on the menu when I was at Macdonald’s last week but didn’t try them. Now I will!
Suzie the Foodie says
I hope you like them too! Make sure yours gets a lot of seasoning. I have heard from one foodie friend she hardly got any at all.