Jackson Sun also recently printed my article about my relationship with bread growing up and the joy of my mom making Latvian piragi/bacon buns. I also discuss why I love food blogging so much and the magic of bread-making.
There is nothing more delicious than eating homemade baked treats that do not come from a bag. They come from your hands, your heart and your hearth. Bread is a beautiful thing.
Debra She Who Seeks says
And bread is such an ancient artform too. Think of the untold generations of women before you who have created bread to nurture their families!
Suzie Ridler says
So true Debra! Another wonderful facet of breadmaking.
Robin says
Congratulations on you published article. Just goes to show when your write what you love and what you know it works! Wonderful Suzie!
Suzie Ridler says
Thank you so much Robin! I really appreciate the support. It is always great to have happy news to share.
AvaDJ says
Congrats again Suzie, the article is beautifully written. I have a feeling they’ll be coming back to you for some more articles. The buns look divine, making me so hungry.
Suzie Ridler says
Thank you Ava, that means so much to me. 🙂
sunnyside up says
Can I just tell you how amazingly delicious those look??
My husband’s grandmother her Ukrainian and she makes these and they are to just die for!!! (All of her food is now that I think about it.) Grandmas are the hardest people in the world to get a recipe out of, ’cause it’s all upstairs!
I did have them at the “Taste of Ukraine” in downtown Edmonton, they weren’t that great, to be honest.
I am definitely saving your recipe I can’t wait until we can start to eat bread once again!
We are “trying to conceive” and with the meds I’m on I can no longer have wheat, rye, rice, barley or oats and nothing flour based and no sugar. Talk about living life on the sidelines!!!
I love following your blog you are an amazing foodie and fabulous photographer!!
Mrs. Sunnyside Up
~ Lyndsay The Kitchen Witch says
These look so amazing. They remind me of the little stuffed bread bites my friend’s mom used to make in Winnipeg. The little buns were filled with apricot, prune, or cabbage. I loved them all. Yours, however, sound beyond!
Suzie Ridler says
Sunnyside up, so glad you like the look of the bacon bun’s! Oh that is so cool your husband’s Ukrainian grandmother also makes these, that so rare! It also means you know just have fabulous they are, LOL. I do hope you try making them when you are off your strict diet. That must be so rough! Best wishes on your road and thank you so much for the feedback. Comments like this keep me going!
Lyndsay, oh those bread bites sound fabulous! Especially with apricot, one of my favourites.
Anna C says
Congratulations Susie on a your article being published. It was a pleasure to read. They could not have picked a better person, given your passion for baking and your wonderful writing skills. Hope there will be many more opportunities such as this coming your way.
Those buns look amazing! I love how the tops glisten in your photo, making them irresistible….
I love one right now. I’m sure they can also become quite addictive with all those yummy bacon bits. Susie, I hope you have a good week.
Suzie Ridler says
Thanks so much Anna! I am so glad you enjoyed the article. I was very pleased with this photo too and man, it makes me hungry! Yes, totally addictive. 🙂