Now that the Christmas baking anarchy and indulgence in butter, sugar and chocolate is complete, I think it is time to get organized and back to the basics in the kitchen. That is my foodie resolution for 2010. And to have fun, of course! Plus, eat more vegetables.
It seems that a lot of people on their blogs want to learn more about cooking and baking and I just wanted to tell you, you can do it! I did not grow up in a home where making food was a happy and communal project. I ended up knowing nothing about food until I was 24 and on my own and got sick and tired of Mac & Cheese pretty darn quick. I did not have the Food Network or the internet to help me on my quest and stumbled through that dark foodie forest in a fog of ignorance.
Yet I did it. And there is still so much to learn and share.
If there is something basic you would like me to demonstrate, I hope you leave a comment here. For example, I think roasting a chicken is something all meat eaters should know how to make. It is usually cheaper to do it yourself and is a crowd pleaser. The best part? It is not difficult! So that is going to be one of my first back to basics in 2010 posts, once I have a second to go out and purchase a chicken.
What have you always wanted to know how to make? What foodie basic would you like me to tackle? I am always up for an adventure!
Debra She Who Seeks says
Any foodie basic that you tackle will be fun and interesting!
Karen D says
I actually baked today! Choc chip cookies off the back of the nestle chip bag.. they came out pretty good, I think I made them a tad too big but between eating the raw cookie dough and the cookies and I am hoping there is some left to take out later.
m.e (Cathie) says
wishing you a fabulous new year!! and to many more baking adventures 🙂