I got super lucky and purchase a Norpro Apple Master without Clamp (click here for U.S.) for only $4.99 at Value Village! I have always wanted to try one of these suckers but was really unsure it was worth the investment but for less than $5? Absolutely!
It was perfect to use for peeling, coring and chopping all those apples for the “Slow Cooker Desserts” Apple Butterscotch Crisp (AKA Apple Goo). BTW, if you get one of these remember there is a very sharp peeler that will cut your finger quite deeply if you move it. I speak from experience so be careful!
I got out my iPad and watched this tutorial on how to use this kitchen contraption. I managed to figure it out, even with a seriously bandaged finger.
I did not adjust the peeler and just let it peel, core and slice away. There was a lot of waste.
But wow! In just seconds that tool did all that work! BTW, do not do this on a wooden cutting board, the suction cup will not adhere very well. Live and learn!
In the middle is a hand peeled apple and yes, there was some additional waste with the Norpro Apple Master
The next apple I put on I did adjust the peeler blade a little to skim more than carve off the apple and it worked great. The suction base did not always want to stick to the counter and the tool I picked up seemed to be having a screw loose so the handle kept falling off but then remember, mine was second hand! I was not sure it was going to work at all.
Foodie Conclusion
The Norpro Apple Master without Clamp (click here for U.S.) did impress me. I love making a lot of desserts with apples and for those like me who spend a ton of time whittling away with hand peelers, then stabbing the apples with corers and then slicing them up… This is awesome!
Yes, I hurt myself when I used it. It was a bit of a pain. But once I got used to it they were done so quickly! I especially love that it cores and slices the apples so you do not have to. Not a tool for everyone’s kitchen but mine? Hell yeah!
I give this product four out of five wooden spoons.
Debra She Who Seeks says
I see apple pies, strudels, crisps and baked apples in your future! It’s like I’m psychic, eh?
Our Lives Intertwined says
I have always wanted one of those, but they were always cost-prohibitive for me, and even $24.95 from Amazon is that way 🙁 I will live “vicariously” through you and your apple slicer/recipes.