Vanilla extract is one of those pantry staples I can not live without. It is also one of those ingredients that I cringe to buy in the store because of its expense.
Normally I would not stray from buying this particular kind of vanilla extract because I know it is pure and works great but at $10.79 for a 125 mL bottle… Ouch!
Tahitian vanilla extract is also fantastic but has a very distinct flavour that will alter whatever you use it in from the traditional flavour you are used to.
Then I saw that I could get a 120 mL bottle of President’s Choice Black Label Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract for just $7.99. That works out to be a bit less than the “other” brand and it comes in a beautiful glass bottle. I was shocked! And happily surprised. A little bit less is what I am always looking for, especially if the quality is comparable.
Test Kitchen
First test? My blueberry pancakes! And they tasted just like they always do. Awesome.
French toast? Perfect. We noticed no difference in vanilla flavour from the kind I had been using.
For a true test of its pure vanilla flavour I made a fruit salad topper with mascarpone cheese, icing sugar, plain yogurt and the vanilla extract.
Beautiful. Lovely subtle vanilla flavour that was delicious.
Foodie Results
President’s Choice Black Label Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract is not only a lovely extract, it is actually less expensive than their competitor. I will be honest, I was expecting it to cost more.
I always prefer to buy products in glass bottles and usually end up paying the price for it. The fact I can get an excellent quality extract in a glass bottle for less? Especially when they taste equally delicious? I will be picking up this extract from now on until I see something show up that is even less expensive.
Since purchasing this product, I have used it numerous times in just about everything. It has passed all of my tests. I give this product five out of five wooden spoons. Now if only President’s Choice Black Label started making vanilla bean paste too! That is on my long foodie wish list.
Debra She Who Seeks says
“Black Label” makes me think of old Black Label beer that used to be around in the 50s and 60s. Their ads always had some guy calling out to the waitress: “Mabel! Black Label!”
AvaDJ says
I’m very picky about vanilla as well, it’s got to be the pure stuff, no imitation around here. I’ve seen this at Loblaws as well, it really is a pretty good deal for the quality. I made my own vanilla with a small bottle of Vodka and some beans I picked up at Costco, it wasn’t any cheaper to make but it smells divine.
Suzie Ridler says
I think I remember hearing that commercial Debra!
Ava, me too, no way I’m using imitation, especially when it comes from like a kind of tree or something. Nothing “real” about it. Oh I wish I could make my own extract like that! Beans are so expensive but I bet it’s awesome.
Tori says
I made my own vanilla extract, and I don’t think I will ever buy it from a store again. I made about 8 ounces of it with 3 beans.
Suzie Ridler says
I can see how tempting it would be to make your own Tori! I can’t remember the last time I bought a vanilla bean though. Or vodka!
Torviewtoronto says
this look wonderful lovely post
Mona Goodland says
What colour is this vanilla, brown or clear?
Suzie the Foodie says
It was brown!
Liliana says
Hi was looking up the PC Mad Bourb Van lol. Thanks for posting the picture with the price. So in 10 years it has doubled in price!