Cathy Ferguson‘s winning Montreal Deli Style Dip for Recipe to Riches comes in a small $3.99 container but packs a punch of flavour. I wish the packaging did more to share Cathy’s amazing personality. It was the only part of her product that was a tad bland because her food was not.
Serving it Cold
It is supposed to taste like a Reuben sandwich in a dip so of course I had to make some homemade caraway rye bread to use to test it with. (Recipe to be posted tomorrow.)
Lots of texture, flavour and yes, that deli Reuben essence. Yum! Some might find a dip containing sauerkraut, pickles and pickle juice weird but for a flavour junkie like me, I say bring it. And Cathy did!
My only complaint? When the dip is cold it is quite hard and dipping bread into it is not super-easy.
Serving it Hot
Cathy was kind enough to write me directly and mentioned some people love to have the dip warm. Since I had issues with using this as a dip, I decided to spread it over my delicious caraway rye bread, top it with some cheese and broil it.
Total food bliss! Now there will be people out there who find this way too strong and overpowering. I did not bother sharing it with Reg (plus I want it all) because he hates things like sauerkraut. If you love wild and big flavours though, you probably will enjoy this as much as I do.
I give this product four out of five wooden spoons.
The Episode
Thankfully, this episode was very positive overall and there were no bikinis, men with greased chests… All the contestants were quite sweet and talented. Cathy did get a little aggressive with her food truck but I thought that was quite funny. Kayode’s fire dancers were a smart touch and I loved that alternative edge.
I will admit to breathing a sigh of relief when Cathy won against finalist Kayode, only because no, I can’t handle the heat. A little bit, yes. His Tobman’s Hot Sauce? No way! It would have killed me, LOL.
It was a great way to end the audition portion of the show because it was all very positive. I guess now there is just the voting to be done!
Do you know whose product you are going to vote for?
Laura Dawn says
Not even sure what product I’d pick this year. I feel ‘wrong’ voting for some of the products, since they’re so different than the originals. I’ll be honest, nothing this season is ‘stand out’, and I don’t think it’s a close competition. I could be totally incorrect, however I do believe the brownies will win. Hubby will try the Montreal dip pre-show and give me his opinion. The tarts and lasagna were the only 2 of 7 I tried. I did want to try the chipolte chili bites, perhaps I’ll have him head to Superstore to pick up dip and chili bites before tomorrow. ;o) Thank you for the review about the dip. I’ll let him know the heated is probably the way to go. 🙂
Debra She Who Seeks says
Once again, I concur with Reg on the subject of sauerkraut.
Chardinfan says
Bought this today- to me it tastes like Thousand Islands Dressing with caraway.
I still ate 2/3 of the container and cannot wait to try it hot as a spread but what a flop it will be if they can’t coax people to use it that way- not Cathy’s fault, genius recipe