One of the most unique snacks from the PC Holiday Gift Box Unboxing was their PC Sea Salt Giant Corn Nuts.
“Made with Peruvian Cusco corn grown exclusively high atop the Andes mountains, these corn nuts are huge in comparison to traditional types. Packed in a resealable bag, they’re seasoned with sea salt for irresistible taste and crunchy texture.”
I put these huge golden crunchy treats in little bowls and shared them with our D&D group last Friday night. By the end of the night? GONE!
OK, my hands are tiny so they might appear even larger than reality because of the contrast but seriously, these are really HUGE corn nuts! And what a crunch. I was actually worried a little for my teeth because they are so crunchy. Wonderful corn flavour is also wrapped up in this unusual treat.
If you want to put out something different for your guests this holiday season that will satisfy that crunchy craving, I recommend PC Sea Salt Giant Corn Nuts and give them four out of five wooden spoons. People will be intrigued and not disappointed in this savoury snack.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Are you sure they’re not irradiated MUTANT corn nuts? OMG, they’re huge.
Suzie the Foodie says
I know!!! They’re crazy!
Niki says
Have you looked for these recently?! I haven’t been able to find them in years.
Patty says
Im assuming they don’t exist anymore. They were great! Recently just stumbled upon a bag from Trader Joe’s that hit all the same notes! Unfortunately the closest to me is 6 hours away 🥲