I love the concept behind the PC S’Mores Kit. Everything you need to make s’mores in a box so you don’t have to go to three different departments to pick everything up and buy more than you need. This kit comes with two bags of crackers that taste more like digestive crackers than graham crackers, three bars of milk chocolate and a bag of marshmallows.
Not sure you are saving much money at $8.99 but the box with the handle on top for easy carrying to the campfire is a very cool idea.
We do not have a campfire or a barbecue but thankfully you could still toast marshmallows under the broiler. Mine were done in under a minute so keep your eyes on them!
Neither of us grew up on s’mores in the summer but we could see the fun involved in eating them, not to mention the mess. Perfect for a large family or group going camping but for two adults who do not really go anywhere and live in a place summer never visits, not so much. If you need a product like this though, you will love the convenience. Four out of five wooden spoons.
PC Original Hummus Dressing is light and refreshing, great for summer salads. Unfortunately, I did not find it very memorable. I do recommend it for those who really love hummus and the price of just $1.99 is excellent but I prefer my dressing to be bolder and knock-your-socks-off. Three out of five wooden spoons.
PC Smokin Stampede Mayo Sandwich Spread is absolutely delicious. Dangerous in fact. The only issue is the packaging. It comes in a plastic squeezable bottle but has a long thin slot instead of a circle which is ideal for traditional sandwiches I suppose but not for bagels! Messy, messy, messy.
I also put it on our chicken quesadillas and my husband says I have to make these more often now. We loved my quesadillas before but now… I must admit they taste heavenly. Perfect smokey flavour and the sweet and savoury elements are wonderfully balance. I will be buying this again and for just $2.49? Five out of five wooden spoons.
PC Max Sport Laundry Detergent with Eucalyptus Oil was a product I was worried to test. I am very sensitive to fragrance and only use non-fragrance detergents. When I opened this bottle all I could smell was a medicine cabinet, it was so powerful I was terrified to use it. My husband loves scent so he was thrilled and let me wash his clothes in it and I did dare to put in my workout jacket and a pair of hiking pants.
How wonderfully surprising it was to take everything out of the dryer and just smell… clean! Everything just seemed refreshed and these clothes are well worn and used so that was a wonderful change. The scent was not overpowering, I had to go looking for it with my nose and it did not give me a sore throat at all. The detergent also has “active oxygen” which helps lift tough stains. Not sure I would pay $7.99 on a regular basis to clean my entire wardrobe but for my workout wear? Yes, I probably would. Four out of five wooden spoons.
We have now come to the part of my post where I could not do product testing. I could not find the PC 30 SPF sun screen online, just like I could not find the sun in the sky. It has been too cold and dark to even consider doing product testing but for $9.99 a container, I hope it lasts me all summer when summer finally arrives.
I immediately loved the idea of the PC Apple Butter Barbecue Sauce until I tasted it. Too sweet! That is a personal preference not a product flaw. I tried to put it on my barbecue chicken but, LOL, chickened out. I just knew I was not going to like a very sweet apple-y chicken breast. So I am letting this one go. If you love apple butter though, you will love this product. That is all I could really taste and for those of you who love pork, I bet this is a great choice.
Thanks again to President’s Choice for letting me try your summer products! There were a ton of winners this time and I am still enjoying those peanut butter-filled pretzels.
AvaDJ says
Thanks again for the great reviews Suzie, now I can’t wait to see what they send you next!
I could see that box of S’mores disappearing rather quickly around here. I’m definitley going to get some of that Smokin’ Stampede Mayo, sounds deelish. As for the laundry detergent, thanks for the heads up! I’m sending a bottle of this with the boys for their summer camp. Yes, they will have to do their own laundry while they’re away and I think this will be a perfect detergent for the kind of laundry they will be generating (they will be doing a whole lot of physical training).
Debra She Who Seeks says
S’mores post-date my childhood too. I must confess that I’ve never had any. But I do love a nice toasted marshmallow now and then.
JavaChick says
Smores are not something I grew up with either, but I tasted a sample when they were promoting them at our local Superstore and it was darn tasty. I think if I was going to make smores I’d be tempted to buy the kit, just for convenience.
Suzie Ridler says
Ava, that laundry detergent is perfect for that application! Debra and JC, glad to know I am not the only one who didn’t go through the whole s’mores phase. I am sure other kids had them but they didn’t allow things like that at Bible camp, LOL. Yes, I was quite the heretic there. I think I am going to toast marshmallows in the oven from now on, so cool!
Cathy Webster (Olliffe) says
We’re big-time campers in our family and I could no sooner go without s’mores ingredients than sleeping bags. I have seen the box in the stores but prefer buying the three individual products, just because it’s so much cheaper.
I can hardly wait to try the mayo – that smokin’ stampede BBQ sauce is my absolute favourite thing. Have you tried the PC smokin’ stampede brisquet sliders (if you’ve already written about it, forgive me)? We BBQ those and then slather on extra sauce. DE-lish. I can see how this mayo will add to the mix. By the way, I can’t believe you don’t have a BBQ, you being such a foodie and all.
I can hardly wait to try the laundry soap, thanks to you recommendation! My husband is a mechanic and his clothes always smell pretty gross, so I’m going to give it a spin.
I loved this post… so much fun! And I hope the sun comes out for you soon.
Berendina says
Great reviews! I just saw the smores kit in superstore recently.
I think this be a great gift for my brother in law birthday since he love camping and he love treats. haha I think we even did this idea before but did the separate items. I think overall its cheaper with separate plus you can choose what you like in product, but the box is a cool thing and convenient. But weird that the crackers didn’t taste like graham cracker, weird.
I also did a blog post as well about product testing. Tried out all my freebies I found online. Close to product testing lol. But PC brands sound fun!
Suzie Ridler says
Cathy, this is perfect for campers! That mayo was unbelievable and now I have to get that BBQ sauce too. Yes, it’s true, I don’t have a BBQ. No money for that kind of thing I am afraid. One day! That detergent is perfect for a mechanic! The sun finally came out, thank goodness.
Berendina, it would be the perfect gift idea, love it. The crackers were definitely different than the ones I have had in the past. Great job testing out all the loot you have won, way to go!