President’s Choice Black Cold Brew Coffee is from their Insiders Collection for summer 2017 which is awesome but it worried me right away. I am so sensitive to caffeine and this drink is strong: 150 mg of caffeine per 227 mL serving!
I asked myself, if I drink this, when will the migraines start? Being your trusted product tester I took this product testing head on… Migraines be damned!
The Product
Frappuccinos 101
OK, if I was going to risk my brain for this dark coffee nectar I wanted it to be worth it. I decided to make us frappuccinos for the weekend with it.
In a blender add equal amounts of ice to coffee.
Since this is unsweetened cold brew coffee I needed to sweeten it with a couple of tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk. I was making one for Reg too!
If you like it creamy as well as sweet, add some cream or evaporated skim milk like I did (hiding that caffeine in low fat creamy goodness). Blend!
Wow! OK, when I make this with decaf coffee for the weekends it is much weaker and not as robust. This had fantastic flavour, much more so than usual.
Iced Coffee
A day went by and I did not get hit with a migraine yet. I decided to celebrate by making myself an iced coffee with their Black Cold Brew Coffee.
Fill a glass with ice and pour to 3/4 with cold coffee.
OK, PC Black Cold Brew Coffee has beautiful colour and richness to it!
I like it creamy so I added some evaporated skim milk and because this coffee is not sweetened…
And because I love hazelnut so I added quite a lot of International Delight Hazelnut.
I actually used more than usual because it needed the sweetness.
Again, fantastic flavour. So robust without being harsh. There is a smoothness to it that I really enjoyed and depth without bitterness.
Foodie Conclusion
President’s Choice Black Cold Brew Coffee is a high quality product. That said, I prefer to brew my own coffee so that it is not only decaf and sweetened by me but if you are in a rush, want caffeine and do not have time to make your own cold brewed coffee, this is an excellent summer choice.
I give this product four out of five wooden spoons and it took me five days to get that migraine even though it is a highly caffeinated product! Impressive…
Debra She Who Seeks says
Looks yummy! Too bad about the migraine. You are a DEDICATED food blogger!
Suzie the Foodie says
Thanks Debra! I took one for the team. Since I knew it was coming I took pain meds right away and didn’t suffer for too long.
Heather says
Interesting that caffeine gives you migraines. I use caffeine to help get rid of them!!