“Come and join us. Registration is now open. We start April 15th. Fill out your enrollment package and send it in right away. Be brave. Make a start. Step in.”
Before I became Suzie the Foodie, I was completely lost. I was going through the worst time in my life and then my I joined Circe’s Circle lead by my sister Jamie and everything changed. When I meditated I was whipping egg whites in France or walking through markets in Vancouver. Food kept showing up and telling me it was the way. I listened. I created my blog. I focused on food even though I could barely eat. I found joy in creating with food and sharing my stories with others. With you!
So if you are ready to jump into a creative dream, I can not recommend a program more than Circe’s Circle. A safe place not only to dream but a powerful force to make those dreams come true.
Debra She Who Seeks says
You were so wise to listen to your inner voice! Lots of people don’t.