The Part 1 Review of the organic red wine skin grape powder Bioflavia went great. I did as instructed and used the product in smoothies and loved it. It did not interfere with the flavour, just the colour and in some cases, boosted the flavour of my berry smoothie.
About the Product
Again, I love the idea of Bioflavia. It is so clever to use the red grape skins after being pressed into wine and turn them into a fine dissolvable powder full of anti-oxidants. Less waste and huge healthy boost to the diet without having to use capsules. I have a smoothie a day so, why not?!
Product Testing Part 2
But! I could not stop there. I had to find out how easy it would be to bake with Bioflavia. You know me, mad foodie scientist that I am.
So I just substituted 1 tbsp of flour for Bioflavia in our favourite chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I have been making these for years and years. Perfect for testing a change of ingredient.
Wow, just 1 tbsp really makes a visual difference to the dry ingredients.
When I was putting them in the oven I was hopeful, they did not look that different than my regular cookies.
OK, they are much, much darker and you can see the Bioflavia flecks throughout.
These are my original cookies. Very light in colour. How about the taste difference? None at all actually! So if the visual does not bother you then I say, go for it.
I did the same routine for one of my favourite loaves of bread. You can absolutely can see the Bioflavia everywhere and it did significantly darken the bread with a purplish hue.
Flavour-wise? It made no difference at all. The only time there may have been an issue was when I made a healthy pizza dough and added some Bioflavia to it and Reg said it tasted just too healthy, LOL.
Personally, because I have one smoothie a day, that would be how I incorporate this product into my diet but you can bake with it and I have heard you can even cook with it too. A super simple and easy way to incorporate a large amount of antioxidants to your diet that is 100% natural.
The last time I checked you could order it via a phone number on their site for $24.95. Check here for availability near you.
As much as I love this product, it is just out of my financial range which is why I am not giving it a perfect score. Instead I give it four and a half out of five wooden spoons. It is actually quite a fair price for such a high quality product but I just can not afford it and I know others will be in the same boat as me.
I promise you though that if I can afford it one day, I will buy it and add it to my smoothies every night. In fact, that is exactly what I am going to do with the rest of the bottle I have. Considering I am sick as a dog right now, it may just kick my cold to the curb. Foodie fingers crossed!
Debra She Who Seeks says
Those cookies look so good! And what an interesting plate you have them on in the first photo.
Sara says
Well, 4 out of 5 isn’t bad at all. But I always look at the price as well. Thanks for the review.