As I type this I am enjoying a Starbucks’ Smoked Butterscotch Latte. It has been one hell of a week and next week will also be crazy.
I finally got to the sleep clinic and will be having an overnight study done. This intake appointment was at 8:30 am! Who the hell does that to someone with a sleeping disorder? I have waited over a year for this appointment so I went but I was officially offended.
I also had lots of tests done and there are more to come so today, in the midst of the crazy health crap I am going through I treated myself to this dessert of a decaf coffee treat.
I carried it all the way home and it was actually less sweet than I thought it would be because most of the butterscotch syrup was at the bottom of my cup. That was a shocking last gulp! I personally did not notice the hints of smoke but then I am getting over a cold.
All I know is I am so into self-care right now I started a new blog called Self-Care Superhero. If I do not take care of my health, I can not be Suzie the Foodie and kick foodie ass.
I can not wait for these damn tests and procedures and appointments to be over. I have Hobo Muffins to bake damn it!
The Happy Whisk says
Good luck with the sleep study, Suzie.
Suzie the Foodie says
Thank you so much THW!!!
The Happy Whisk says
Great post, Suzie.
The girls at Barnes gave Tim the smoke to his drink. They tell us that the drink isn’t selling well at Barnes because people ‘seem’ to be turned off by the word, smoke in the title.
Happy Healing & Boogie Boogie.
The Happy Whisk says
Yesterday I was catching up on two billion blogs and didn’t even see that I had already posted on this one. Oy. Anyway, hope your weekend is going well. It is sunny here but I am not in any rush to get anything done.
Suzie the Foodie says
Thanks for all the comments! So great to hear from you. We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday. Hugs!