Sorry, my inner geek had to come out! And if you do not know what I am referring to via my title watch some classic Trek!
Chocolate, whipping cream and Baileys, what could be bad? Well if you are in a baking frenzy and you are on the verge of collapse, I do not recommend making these truffles. That said, even with me doing everything wrong they still ended up being beautiful and delicious.
You will find the original Baileys Irish Cream Truffles recipe at I did half the recipe to save on time and materials. I put together 8 oz of chopped chocolate and chips together in a heat proof bowl and covered them with 1/3 cup of hot heavy cream. Normally you would just stir after a minute to have everything come together but the chips and the chunks would not melt. They were too big! I took a risk and put them into the microwave at 50% power for 20 seconds. Still would not melt. So I kept putting it in at 50% power and stirring. Finally, it melted!
Then I added just under 1/4 of a cup of Baileys. Yummy, right? I tasted it. Yuck! The problem? I had used mostly bittersweet chocolate! There was no sugar in there!
The fastest and easiest dissolving sugar is icing sugar so I added more and more to make the truffles edible. It was a lot of icing sugar! Which I knew was going to change the consistency in some way. I put the mixture into the fridge overnight and kept my fingers crossed.
This is me unsuccessfully trying to spoon out my truffles with my mini ice cream scoop. Hard as a rock! I had to get these truffles made so I once again put them in the microwave at 50% which made them melt on the bottom but I did eventually get them out.
I rolled them into balls with my gloved hands to avoid additional mess and disasters and then dropped them into icing sugar and covered them with a white blanket of sweetness.
Thanks goodness! At least that part was a success.
I even had shiny silver foiled cups for them and they were ready to give away!
They ended up being a little tougher than most truffles but the flavour was there, thank goodness I did taste testing along the way!
If you are going to try and make these, make sure to use semi-sweet chocolate chopped up fine and you should avoid most of the problems I had.
Truffles are a beautiful gift. No baking required, just some time and effort to make these little white dreamy snowballs of chocolate-y goodness for someone special.
Debra She Who Seeks says
My inner geek salutes your inner geek. Live long and prosper!
Olivia says
Boy I would love to try these!
Suzie I like the way you go step by step and talk about your problems too. Wish I had the inclination to cook like you. You are so prolific and your husband is SO lucky! I am content to watch and appreciate 🙂
A wonderful rest-of-the-holiday-season to you 🙂
Suzie Ridler says
Nice to know I am not the only geek Debra!
I try and be as honest as possible about the process Olivia because it amazes me that you can screw up so much and still make delicious food. Glad it is entertaining and yes, my husband is spoiled in a good way. Happy holidays to you too!
Shell says
A a great save with the truffles!
Everytime I make truffles, they never come out so good. Have no idea why. I haven’t done truffles for years because of this.
Maybe I can try again next week. A truffle experiment.
Love the title nod to Trek.
~*~Aria~*~ says
You know, I’ve been making truffles for years for Valentine’s Day(I’m big into the Japanese “homemade choco” tradition) and I never once thought to use an ice cream scoop! I always roll them by hand, which is a HUGE pain.
This is going to make this year much easier 😀
Tess says
Mmmmmmmmmm. Did I mention yum?
Dia says
Ooo la la!!
This winter a gal friend covered persimmon (pips? Seeds?) with melted chocolate – did little ‘drop’ chocolates & they were absolutely amazing! That ‘surprise’ of the persimmon burst in the midst of chocolate! This recipe would be great for them – I made some, but my chocolate turned out kind of carmelly soft – even when I put it in the fridge.
& Baileys – lets just say YUMMMMM!! These sound heavenly!!
Helene says
Now I know what to make for my brother-in-law for Xmas. I’ll make the Bailey’s Truffles. Thanks so much!