There is nothing I enjoy more than getting a box in the mail! Especially when I got it on sale at amazon for almost half off. A kitchen tool I have been stalking online for over a year now: The KitchenAid FGA Food Grinder! Click here for
In my super short video you see me unbox the grinder and even make my own ground pork!
So why did I let go the tool from the past?! Because I just was not strong enough to use it and the meat kept getting so stuck, it was just impossible for me to work with.
Super frustrating! I realized that I did want to work with meat but not this way. This was was just too hard.
Funny that the construction is still so similar to the meat grinders of the past but wow, so much easier to use!
Funny the things that make a day joyous in the kitchen. For me, getting to open a new kitchen tool that makes my life so much easier and opens the door to numerous potential foodie challenges totally rocks.
BTW, next week I will be sharing how I used the ground pork to make my own homemade dumplings! See, it is paying off already.
Deryck Shewchuk says
looks cool..can you grind a shad?
maybe make some fish patties..
Debra She Who Seeks says
Your video was great! Love the effects you used: speeded up footage during the de-packaging scene, choice of music during the grinding scene and the cheesy applause track at the end, LOL!
When I was a kid, my Mom had one of those old fashioned steel meat grinders that you had to clamp to the table to use. I only remember her using it once. It was a real pain in the ass.
Suzie Ridler says
I am sure you can grind fish too Deryck and I like the idea of making fish patties for sure!
Thank you Debra. 🙂 I worked hard on that but had tons of fun. Thanks for nothing those details, that is awesome.
I think my Mom had one too and it did not last, probably for the same real. OMG, what a pain in the ass indeed!
Suzie Ridler says
Sorry Debra! That was supped to be “thank you for noticing” (stupid autocorrect). Good grief!