On the right-hand side of my blog for the next week you will see a poll about advertising on blogs. I would really appreciate your honest feedback on how you feel about blogs with ads.
You are my readers and my friends. Your opinions and feelings on this topic mean a lot to me. Please feel free to vote anonymously in the poll. For those who want to comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue.
Thank you so much!
~ Suzie the Foodie
ELLIE says
I understand that most bloggers get ads to help pay for their blogs and such – I don’t mind the ads – as long as I do not have to go through them to read a blog…once I have to read ads or go through them to get where I want I just X out..but if it helps the blogger then more power to them…hope I explained myself well – I seem to be finding the right words difficult lately!!
Jennifer says
I can’t vote. There is no positive option. I don’t think there is anything wrong at all with ads on ones blog. To be transparent though, I do sell ads on both of my sites.
There is no reason why one shouldn’t be able to make a few bucks off their writing. You have an amazing food blog here, and if you chose to make a few extra bucks of ads, why not! As long as they are relevent, and you don’t mind them, that’s what matters. When you pick up a Martha magazine, there are more ads then content…same thing.
Suzie Ridler says
Good point Ellie, thank you, I do understand! 🙂 You did great.
Jennifer, your comment has disappeared but you’re right, I didn’t put in a very positive option, my bad! I just assumed people hated ads, LOL. Too bad, wish I could edit the poll but can’t without starting over so feel free to share why ads are OK here.
Kitten with a Whisk says
Ads are fine, IMO as long as they aren’t pop up ones. I hate those. But in the side column, below posts… doesn’t bother me a bit.
Tammy says
I don’t mind ads as long as they aren’t overly intrusive! I am not a fan of “in text” ads because it can be hard to sort what is ad, what is not, but in the sidebar of a blog, I don’t think they’re an issue. 🙂
Suzie Ridler says
Kitten, I totally agree, popup ads are the worst!!!
Tammy, in text ads would be annoying, it’s true.
Thanks for your feedback, it means so much to me. I really care about what you all think.
Warren Caterson says
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Warren Caterson says
Well, since “Meh” is the most positive response (what happened to a “Great”, “Fine”, or even an “I don’t mind” or “It’s okay” response?) I don’t think I will be able to vote. LOL!
Suzie Ridler says
I know Warren, you’re totally right! My bad. I didn’t want to take down the poll so thanks for commenting. It’s just one of those days!
Suzie Ridler says
OK OK OK… I changed the poll to also be positive. It was driving me crazy, sorry about that!
Kristen says
I don’t mind ads myself, which is why I didn’t feel badly putting one on my own blog.
As long as it’s not dissrupting content/readability, I’m cool!
Paula - Buenos Aires says
What the girls said. 🙂
Suzie Ridler says
Good to know Kristen! Great Paula, thank you!
I am amazed at how positive people are about the ad issue, I am so glad I asked. You all rock!
Debra She Who Seeks says
If you can make a few bucks off ads, go for it!
Michelle says
what Debra said…