Thought I would share this Skype video chat and unboxing with Reg which was fun to do but I currently do not have the tech to edit so I apologize for the silliness that I would normally edit out. That said, yes, Reg and I do behave like this on a regular basis.
Thank you Mushrooms Canada for my lovely gift and commemoration for my participation in your Go PINK! campaign. I was happy to contribute my Go PINK! Vegan Spicy Noodles with Shiitake Mushrooms recipe last year and am thrilled with my thank you present.
I have never received such a cool foodie acknowledgement before, it meant so much to me Mushrooms Canada! I adore you.
Debra She Who Seeks says
Hahahaha, love the look on Reg’s face when you told him you couldn’t edit out his little song!