Yes, I am going through a major dill pickle phase! I have always been a dill pickle fanatic but lately, even more so. When I saw Fake Ginger’s Dill Pickle Chex Mix there was no stopping me from making it! I love bits and bites and have made them before, once in the oven and […]
Adventures In Pandemic Shopping
Foodie Fail: Proper Tasty’s Microwave Mug Pizza
Blender Boyz Caramel Latte & Banana Frappuccino
You know it is warming up when all I can think about are cold specialty coffee drinks! They are my absolute favourite and while on a pandemic walking odyssey yesterday I noticed even the local Starbucks in my new hood was closed. No takeout even. Doors locked, lights off. Blender Boyz to the rescue!!! Our […]
How To Make Almond Milk MagicalButter Style (or with a blender)
MagicalButter sent me their new fancy-pants MB2e machine which is only available via pre-order at the time of me publishing this post. It is a botanical extractor but can be used for so many different applications, including making your own almond milk! I thought it was the perfect choice recipe and approach for putting my […]