For the third recipe of The Gourmet Club series I turned once again to La Varenne Pratique for inspiration. And continuation! The reason why I made French Tomato Sauce was so I could use it for this recipe. You could of course just use a regular can of tomato sauce instead but it worked so well in this […]
The Gourmet Club Lesson #2: LaVarenne Pratique’s French Tomato Sauce
The Gourmet Club Class #1: Baking Eggs En Cocotte
The Gourmet Club has officially launched! Bring on fabulously decadent food. Since the weekend is almost upon us, why not try and make baked eggs in cream this weekend? I made mine with cream cheese and lox but you can make them with whatever flavours you want. This technique comes to you from my copy […]
Slow Roasted Super Savoury Pumpkin Seeds Tutorial
This year I also added garlic powder, turmeric and onion powder! Get Recipe! With Halloween now over I had some time to roast those beautiful pumpkin seeds! Here is a quick video tutorial showing all the steps. Once you remove the pumpkin seeds, soak and massage vigorously in water. Put seeds in a sieve and […]